Tuesday 22nd November 2022 from 10:00 at The BIS

Clore Leadership presents the second in a series of roundtable gatherings shaping the development of a new Tees Valley based leadership development programme, supporting arts & culture leadership and change making across the Tees Valley region.

Guest Speaker: Writer, thinker and strategist Mark Robinson, founder of Thinking Practice, offers a provocation on the current challenges for arts and culture leaders and changemakers in the region and asks what can we do?

Followed by an opportunity to hear more about the outline programme of leadership development and a facilitated roundtable discussion session exploring ideas and possibilities with Clore Leadership Associate Amanda Smethurst. 

Doors open, tea and coffee from 9.30. Event starts at 10.00.

Clore Leadership are grateful to Tees Valley Combined Authority for funding to support this event and leadership development programmes in 2023 and 2024 through their Network and Sector Skills Development Challenge Fund.

Register for this event here