Our hosts for the evening Dianne Casey and Sarah Crutwell, along with Caron Auckland are looking forward to welcoming you to Hartlepool. A collaboration with Tees Women Poets, the Assist Women’s Network and The BIS to capture the voices of Hartlepool women and girls.

  • What is it like growing up a girl in Hartlepool, or raising daughters here?
  • Why does Teesside often get seen as a bad place for girls’ rights?
  • How do we recognise a good girlhood?
  • How can we push back against negative perspectives on our town?

The Tees Women Poets would like to get to your truth! For full event details and to register please click here

Time & Date: 6pm-8pm, Wednesday 28th June 

Location: The BIS, 13-17 Whitby Street, TS24 7AD